Herron vs Vinnie Rossi vs a million other options

Hi folks. I'm in a bit of a muddle trying to choose new amplification for my new speakers.


For years I've been using Lab 12 pre1 with Telefunken ecc88 tubes and Suono single ended 25wpc kt150 amp. It's very underrated stuff and incredibly pleasant to listen to.

I recently realized I was buying records and listening to records that I thought sounded good on my system rather than getting the music I wanted most, which is kind of backwards, so I decided to make some changes.


I wanted more dynamics, more body, more imaging and more oomph. So I sold my harbeth shl5 and bought the new qualio IQ, with open baffle mid, amt tweeter and a solid woofer. I expect significant soundstage and dynamics. They haven't arrived yet.


I'm the meantime I'm using reference 3a grand Veena which I like, they are very fast and have good dynamics while still being chill and easy to listen to.


Anyway...it's the amps that have me upsidedown.


I bought a dartzeel lhc-208 and jts fantastic. I like everything about it except it's not tubes. I realize I'm hooked on euphonics.

I have a vtl s200. It's very nice.

The best of the bunch is the Lab12 Suono though. But it doesn't have the bass control I need, and with the 4ohm qualio I really don't think it will hold up. So I've been thinking about tube preamp with solid state.

I've been good through classifieds like it's my job and twisting myself in knots so I thought maybe you kind folk could help guide me.

I've narrowed my interest to:

1. Herron tube pre and SS monoblocks. (New, will be auditioning soon)

2. Vinnie Rossi lio dht integrated (used, could add amplification as desired)

3. Lab12 Integr4 integrated. I already know I love lab12 and this bumps me from 25w to 75w. Still not sure the current delivery will suffice though...new

4. Keep my lab12 pre1 and add some fancy ass monoblocks (max budget around $12k USD but that does well on used market)

Im leaning to the Vinnie Rossi. They report to have excellent current delivery and the 45wpc should be sufficient I think.

The qualio are 90db but very current hungry due to the open baffle. They are 4ohms.


Basically I'm hoping someone could compare herron to Vinnie rossie, let me know if either will have the tube sound I need (I don't mean warm so much as airy, defined in space, mostly I think it's the decay I love, the body around the notes).

Any and all help in any way that can help me towards my goal is greatly appreciated. Am I making too much of the current demands?



I’ve owned the Herron pre, the LIO (DHT) and now the Vinnie Rossi L2 Signature preamp (DHT). The LIO w/ DHT’s will have the more delineated separation of images and the full-bodied tonality. Also good air with the right tubes. Lots of colors to choose from with tubes.
The Herron 360 is dead neutral, with a bit more ‘oneness’ to the sound / not as ‘outlined’ regarding imaging but it is clean, clear and fast. Excellent ergonomics and usable features. The build quality is off the charts and Keith is a really good guy.

Both Pre’s are fantastic sonically but very different, IMO. But it’s the DHTs that will have the body and defined-in-space aspects you mentioned.

Awesome jriggy that's exactly the answer I needed from someone familiar with both. And you understand exactly what I'm looking for.

Dht it is. I expect it to be fantastic. I was considering holding out to find a used L2 or l2i but would be double the price. I can always step up later.

I'm seriously considering getting the L2 phono modules to install in the lio, I can get one at a good price. I do really like my current phono but I also like the idea of literally having one box.

Any comments on the L2 phono? Do you use it?



I don’t know the L2 but @jriggy is spot on regarding the Herron—I would just add excellent timing to his description. Simply a great tube preamp that sounds like music.