bat vk 60 speaker reccomendations

dusting off the bat vk 60 from storage and want to set up again looking at a good speaker choice, used market is fine if can find better bang for buck, music choice is wide from old rock to great jazz
What did you use/like before, how big is your room and how much do you expect to spend?
Mechans has some good questions...when I had my VK60 Audio Physic Virgo 2's or Wilson Watt Puppy 6's/8"s worked great....
room size is 18 x 20, previously I had and still have in a movie room vandersteen 3ce front and 2c rear in a home theater set up with sunfire equipment, I bought the bat with bat 5i pre amp to set up a music only room but a in law emergency situation put the whole project on hold, but I held on to the equipment as really wanted to set up a tube system but never got there and know am moving forward as situation makes it possible