Not sure 8k video gives you other benefits aside from resolution like high resolution audio give you other benefits like sustained envelopes (a bell will ring longer).
@thespeakerdude You are right to say that a recording done with a dummy head has to be listened to on headphones, your job is to figure our why. All the directional information for a soundstage is in a binaural recording how come smart guys like you can't reproduce that on speakers with accurate time alignment, not from the speakers standpoint but from the brains standpoint. 35 years ago I went to and AES convention and one of the vendors was showing what they said was new technology in speaker object placement they said they had taped into what they called -head tones- to make it possible. Do you remember that at all it seemed to never really catch on but the demonstration was amazing we wore headphones and were given a haircut it really felt like we were all getting a hair cut simply through the sound.