Expensive Dac to keep or cheaper and change overtime

Good evening all, I was wondering if people had thoughts about dacs and changing over time versus keeping an expensive unit that is upgraded.  I currently have a Gustard A22 that I do enjoy , I use I2s for SACD and USB for streaming (mainly Amazon) I have wondered about a PS Audio directstream mk2 that is said to be upgraded via new software which sounds good rather than the evolution of cheaper dacs.i have read that the previous PS Audio has been a model for 8 years which sounds reassuring. I use a Primaluna Evo 300i with Zu Audio Soul 6 , the Gustard  A22 with a Node (latest version) though that might change.,I have a PS Audio Power plant 12 , ZU Undertone Mk2 with cables by Zu and Nordost.  Any advice would be appreciated. 


With the explosion of many new DACs in the marketplace, it is impossible to comment on most of them from personal experience. The mag and online reviews are interesting and helpful, but only to a degree…and littered with a hefty dose of hyperbole stirred in to trigger reader skepticism.

as you pointed out, there are 8+ year old high-end units from new that are generally indistinguishable in actual real life user audio performance and satisfaction, compared to the latest (and expensive) new flavour of the month units.

sure, the PS AUDIO DIRECTSTREAM MK2 has exalted new bells and whistles technologies but at a rich new model price ….. BUT, and it’s a further big “BUT”, there isn’t much available “future focused “turbo hi-rez recordings yet. 

An iconic quote rings true here in a cautionary take IMO,

“PRICE is what you pay, VALUE is what you get “ - WARREN BUFFETT.

My take: .

I distill hi-end DACs down to proven basic “need to have “ versus “nice to have” features The PS DAC is distinctly in the latter camp, just like 8K flat panel TVs,…. Illusory and fleeting bragging rights limited by negligible material available currently to enjoy, or showcase

NEED to have IMO for high-end units… focus on the tried and true design and build features that work on current recordings :Fuhgeddaboud trying to future-proof now in a warp-speed changing technology for bells and whistles

(1) - linear power supplies, either shielded internally or alternatively with an external unit.

This is a build and digital audio performance key step up that starts the differentiation between the contenders and the many pretenders. Before the drastic price increases and MSRP annual price increase compounding with the advent of COVID three years ago, it was roughly around the $3000+ pricepoint (and going north) that competing quality units started to incorporate this in their designs and builds.

(2) Good and accessible ( emphasis added ) technical support. This is a risky wildcard. I’ve anecdotally been told that sime can be a sh*tshow with a steep learning curve and frustration. Some are indeed fine ( eg BRYSTON )

Choose wisely.

The PS Audio has a 30 day no questions asked return policy.  PS Audio takes old gear in trade.  In this case, their original DAC and gives you good value on your trade, so firmware and hardware upgradeable.  So, other than return shipping, this is a no risk purchase.

@akg_ca I have to disagree with some of your conclusions about the PS Audio DSD MK II DAC. I had my last PS Audio DAC for 13 years. Initially, I believe they might have called it the Perfect Wave( please correct me if I am wrong) . I upgraded it twice purchasing reasonably priced kits from PS Audio. I was also able to upgrade it numerous times via free software upgrades. Thirteen years is a very long time in the digital world so last year I started looking at DACs but when PS Audio announced the MK II it was a no brainer especially considering their very generous trade in program. 
I like PS Audio for several reasons : It is a US company making products here. Customer support is great. Trade in policies are very reasonable. They will continue to provide software upgrades which helps keep you gear fairly current so a couple of years down the road you aren’t looking for a new unit in the quickly changing digital world. Last but not least you get a 30 day in home trial.

The MKII is a big step up from the MKI and I am curious as to the “ nice to have features.” To me this is a very well engineered form and function machine. What has really surprised me is the amount of new information it is retrieving from standard redbook CD’s. I have a fairly decent system but from a performance perspective the MK II might be the best piece of gear I have.