Boulder 2160 vs Dan D'Agostino S250MxV

Thoughts between the Boulder 2160 and the Dan D'Agostino S250MxV for powering Wilson Alexia V.  Lets say listening volume only needs 150 watts.


I’m looking at these 2 amps as well and will be interested to see what you choose and why. Heard great things about both amps. I lean toward the D’Agostino personally,  it really draws me in with texture, tone and other nuances. Boulder seems more “live” I guess but only heard it briefly once. 

@arcticdeth Alexia V 4 ohm speaker and the S250 is rated at 500 watts at 4 ohm.  90 dB efficient.  Seems like that would give you some headroom.  I'm now leaning toward the Progression S350 as it gives me some budget for a Dan D'Agostino Progression Preamp.