With the disclaimer that I have not heard all the candidates in listening situations where I am familiar with the entire system and room, I continue to like the Crosby modified Quad 63's paired with Entec LF-40's crossed at 50 hz driven by tubes; however, I did hear a speaker at CES that I thought, while different from the Quads, was doing some nice things, the Acapella Campaniles driven by tubed electronics from Audio Aero. I was intriqued enough to order a pair of the Campanile "Highs" which have more internal bracing, better crossover parts and silver internal wiring. The speakers have been shipped but have not as yet arrived in North America. Would be curious with respect to comments from others that have heard not only the Campaniles but also the larger speakers from Acapella. I will not be selling the Quads until after I determine that the Campaniles suit my tastes better.