I am a cable manufacture and make very good cables. I know a lot about cables.
Chinese fake cables and genuine brand cables are all made by people who don’t know how to make high quality audio cables properly. Yes. They will make strong and unnecessarily high current capable computer power cords but no audio cables. I know this because every same model cables sound different. No two cables sounds same in thousand of same copies. There is no control in sound quality. I know why this happen because I make properly made audio cables. It is very hard to make audio cables properly. All my cables are sounding same with the perfect quality control. **I won’t tell secrets. So, please don’t ask.
In same model the fake one might have cheaper materials even if it looks same to genuine ones. The cheaper ones don’t mean worse sounding. It is matter of luck the fake or genuine sounds bit better than other copies in one’s audio system.
The veiled sounding audio system can’t show a cable’s veiled sound. To evaluate cables a perfect reference sound is needed. Where is this perfect ref sound? There is none. Though my audio system (and who bought my system) is closest to the perfect reference sound. There are few very distance 2nd reference quality systems. I know they put their life time to make those audio systems. My hats off to them.
No. My audio system isn’t perfect and the best sounding. The freq balance will be changed by thickness and shape of cables. The sound quality can be better with better parts. And taste of sound varies with people. But to evaluate cables, mine is the best for right now.