Hairdryer for Sale on Gon

Has anyone seen the "negative ion" duflatchie that happens to be a Conair hairdryer for sale under DACs? Have we really lost our minds to this degree with this addiction?
The real irony would be if this thing proves to be the one "idiotic on the face of it" tweak that really makes sense.

there is no 'if'.....only 'when' people hear it for themselves. i can tell you that i would never have thought i would hear an effect so dramatic it would cause me to use a hair dryer on my discs for 50 seconds on 100% of the music i listen to. on the face of it i agree that it appears to be crazy.

people spend $30k to $50k upgrading systems and will not hear the differences that this tweak can make. we have never understood the role static plays in music reproduction performance until now.

having tried many liquid digital disc cleaners and treatments, all of which do that to some degree, my opinion would be that a static spray would have some effect; but more in line with other previously tried approaches......not worth bothering with.....effort/reward ratio not good enough.

i would encourage someone to try it and report.....we must keep out ears and minds open if we are to move forward.
Mike, your system is incredibly revealing. Do you think those of us with more humble systems will hear the dramatic difference you describe?
Someone swears by every single tweak ever pulled from somones a^*, but based on posts and others expeience I happen to think Mike L is a credible voice but again every single tweak ever thought of has those who cant understand why nobody else hears a improvement so it is not a rock solid "when" but still at this point a questionable "if" but Mike has made me really curious.