6922 Preamp Tube Recommendations

Any recommendations for in-production 6922 tube that sounds extended, lush, quiet?

I’m going to place them into an Aikido Line Stage Preamp I’m building with high-end components like Duelund Cu coupling caps and tube rectification.

I’m looking for in production tubes, since I already have a matched pair NOS Siemens E88CC. I’m looking for a 6922 that can come somewhat close to the CCa.


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Decware Steve thinks highly of  these tubes as well as others.  I have not purchased any.  They are above my price point for new tubes and I have always preferred NOS. I prefer French made Dario Miniwatt / Mazda E188CC or Dutch Amperex E188CC/7308 in my DAC.


All good recommendations.

Perhaps the best sounding are the BEL E88CC gold pins - circa 1969 - part of Philips disaster recovery plan by having a plant in India (all parts still Philips).  Give one the best of the Siemens and Amperex.  Warmth, dynamics, extension, etc.