I recommend researching the Holo Serene KTE. Look up on-line reviews and YouTube reviews. I bought one and compared it to my McIntosh C2600 and a Linear Tube Audio Microzotl Reference preamp. I sold my C2600 after owning it for 5 years and I returned the LTA preamp under the 14 day trial. Herb Reichert of Stereophile uses it for his reference preamp. It's less expensive than the preamps that I compared it to and less expensive than all the preamps on your list.
I liked the Serene KTE so much that I have a second one on order. That one will replace my Audio by Van Alstine FET Valve CF. The Serene is about as transparent as I've ever experienced in a preamp. It produces a deep soundstage and great separation. Tonality and timbre are very natural. It reproduces piano and the human voice in a lifelike manner. Don't let the $3k price tag fool you, it competes with preamps 2-4 times its price.