@ghasley , thanks and all good points. My incorrect hunches on interconnects was certainly not solidified since I have zero experience with standalone DAC’s and related interconnects, which is why I put out the hunch to be shot down :)
I get your point on reading accounts of others, but I disagree as this approach has in the past led me to products I would not have otherwise considered - like my Diablo. Never would have considered it without first getting a general idea of the voice of this amp. And my sentiments after living with it for years would reflect the consensus from others who have heard it. All generalizations of course, there is a level of understanding that goes beyond when you’ve heard it yourself.
My reading of others opinions (mostly forum posts) led me to look to the three particular servers I am considering in this thread - I would not have been turned on to them for consideration without this research. After I started this thread, I’ve maybe once or twice been back to reading accounts of others; the research is done :)
Anyways, my personal view is that you can make generalizations towards how a particular piece is voiced, despite the multitude of variables, with the caveat that this is merely a starting point to set you on the right direction, as there is so much more to unpack beyond these generalizations. Just my opinion and as I said, I never would have come across Gryphon without this process! I was NOT having luck home demoing separates at the time, I hated them all (yes, I was limited in what I could test). When I tried the Diablo in my system the first time it was a total revelation!
I know others don’t share this view, but hey, this process has worked for me in the past.
I am relieved to know I wouldn’t have to spend an arm and a leg on interconnects for a DAC…. Thanks again for the advice; I appreciate it!