I had a Benchmark AHB2 for almost 3 years and really enjoyed the clean sound and wide stage. I decided to make a big jump about 2 years ago to the Pass 250.8 and instantly heard why people enjoy Pass. The soundstage was deeper, taller, and most importantly it made listening more fun. Instruments and vocals had more weight/tone to them and the soundstage felt more cohesive than the AHB2. The AHB2 felt like it dissected the music by very cleanly separating things into their own space, which is great for locking onto an instrument and following it for a song. But ultimately it kept me from feeling as much emotion and it took longer to forget I was listening to a stereo as opposed to music. I can fall into the music very quickly with the Pass and relax, it’s a great feeling!
I hope no one feels I am disparaging the AHB2, I’m just sharing my experience and giving the op something that I feel is relevant to the thread. I enjoyed my time with the Benchmark and feel it’s a wonderful amp.