What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


@jrosemd +1 "... spending too much money..."  

@grislybutter +1 "... about 6k...." and  "of course it is - it is one of the most selfish way to spend money and time.  This post proves it. It is a self-serving, genitals comparing thread with pretty much 0 purpose. Who cares?"

... But, I suppose if one has all one's legacy concerns in order, family taken care of, house and car paid off, investments diversified and adequate to provide future-indefinite security, and so on, well... then whatever, I guess... indulge away, I suppose.    

Some people equate good life with bling.  I feel sad for such people. 

An oncologist friend of mine has a spouse who believes that spending more and more money on shiny stuff will somehow bring happiness, finally happiness.  They are now in the process of divorce.  

And btw, a stereo system isn't really a legacy... and this truth really came home to me as I was making out the spillover will segment of my trust document: nobody that I know cares enough about my stereo system to even make it worthwhile to include in the will. Think about that.  To them it would be more of a burden than a blessing. Same is true about my collectible books. So, I'll just lump it in with all my personal possessions and instruct my executor to sell it all and give the money to my preferred environmental charitable organization.  

Interestingly, my musician friends think my $600 speakers and $600 amp plus a used cd player sounds excellent, as does everybody else who hears it, and I agree... it's in the public area of the house, and I entertain about 20 diverse people from a wide range of walks of life and income levels several times per month. The sound quality actually turns heads, and people offer unsolicited comments and become curious about it.  A couple people have asked about its cost; they are surprised that one can put together a system that sounds so good for so little money, if one knows what one's doing... they had fallen under the spell of thinking you have to spend many thousands to get a satisfying stereo system, either under the influence of marketing or prideful "audiophile" acquaintances, and they are so relieved to learn the truth: money spent does not equal practical enjoyment of music.  

I must admit I have a pair of Heresy IV speakers and a Marantz Ruby amp and cd player in my private suite, and I must admit I like it very much; bought every piece as "open box" deals by waiting patiently and then pouncing.  Other people who hear it like it too, and think it's nice... but nobody so far has cared about it enough to ask what I paid for it, except on this forum.

Lol well I have ten thousand  in my bathroom  system.  And I have five other systems  that are much more monet than that. Lol. 

It's amusing to me how most every thread eventually comes down to opposing views.  Be it cables,  tube vs ss, streaming or owning physical, whatever, and here it's spending lots makes sence or is a waste if not immoral.  Have I spent lots?  Yup.  Do I feel bad? Nope.  There have been many times I have agonized over a purchase.  My wife tells me "look, you worked hard all your life and you saved enough.  You don't spend a lot on yourself and music is a lifelong passion.  You're already helping all the kids and you can't take it with you,  so if you want it,  then buy it".  So as long as this hobby isn't hurting anyone or preventing you from meeting all your other pursuits and obligations, then knock youself out and who cares what anyone else thinks.  This ain't no dress rehearsal people so live it to the fullest. 


there is something unpleasant to sickening the way people write about their several times 100K systems in this thread. Like they have to show off, compensate for something, rushing to making the point that they are super rich. And it gets worse on their system pictures, showing the tackiest furniture, ugly kitchens (with 0 relevance to their system) and power amps more expensive than any car I ever bought. You can say how much it cost without being a creep

expensive systems are often over rated, as is the notion of how much money a person has, as if it makes you a better person if you have more of it

tremendous musical enjoyment can be had with fairly modest systems, with experience and skill applied in how they are put together... isn't that where all of us started? 

too often folks use money as a measuring stick... it’s quite shallow and unbecoming