Thinking about a Steinway Lyngdorf system

I'm thinking about jumping in and going with a Steinway Lyngdorf Model B speaker / amp / controller system. They have the same philosophy towards sound as I have, active, crossover inside the amp, DSP controlled, upgradeable, designed as a complete system, among other things. Does anyone have any listening experience with the Steinway Model B? 


Strange looking speakers.  Openings for sound to come out of speakers is quite small.

I would go listen to the new $37K MC Audiotech Forty-10 Loudspeakers too before buying these speakers.

 They just came out with the all new $25K MC Audiotech TL-12's too


Did you pull the trigger on these or something else since you started this thread?

@kota1 The main sales person from Steinway came to the house and listened to my sound system. He gave me a few good notes but I don't think the Steinway system is for me, everything is proprietary I would have to get rid of all my equipment. He gave me some pointers about Room Perfect but it didn't make much difference, I guess that means my room is good already. Best