What is the story with Rega Appolo?

It’s time to upgrade my source - Toshiba SD 9200. I was considering Rega Apollo, but overall score for this player on www.audioreview.com is not very high and I see a lot of units being sold on the used market. That seems strange for a 2 year model.
Used to own Apollo, no complaints. I wished that I kept it since I am building my second or more like 3th system and could use CDP with Rega's forgiving sound and musicality. I am not trying to defend it ......I couldn't care less what others reasons are but IMO it is a fine Mid-class budget player that is better then some ....even more expensive players. I have hear that some have had some issues with their Regas......my was fine , so I can't really relate to those stories....and my Apollo was one of the original series that went to the dealers in the first few months since the release date.
Guys thank you for input! I used to buy stuff from Audiogone when I lived in US. If you get things at the right price the most what you can lose is shipping fees. Now I live in Canada and every item I buy on Audiagone costs me extra 20% thanks to the generosity of the government. Now I have to think a lot before I buy anything. I did not have chance to listen to Apollo yet. I did read all professional reviews but I always trust more an opinion of the people who are using the product since unlike “professionals” they don’t live of advertisement of the companies whose products they review. I will certainly consider Azur 840 and Jas Musik and listen to Apollo

If GST/VAT is an issue, consider the Music Hall 25.2 CD player. A $600 player that beats most players in the sub $1000 category.

Regards, Rich
You mentioned in the review of your system that Apollo is easy on ears. More relaxed and softer top is what I’m looking for in my upgrade. How does Music Hal compare with Apollo?
I liked the Music Hall for the 2+ years that I owned it. I used it with a NAD C320BEE and I felt that the combination had great synergy. When I upgraded the NAD to a Prima Luna (ss to tubes), I gave the Music Hall to a friend.

The Music Hall was detailed, smooth, and rich sounding. The difference between the MH and a DVD player should be pretty big.

Regards, Rich