It’s an interesting read so far, the following quote from Loesch in the thread is what I would call as plain as the nose on your face:
“I will not particularly criticise Amir, but I’m looking forward to the day when he finally fixed the groundloops/pin1 problem plaguing his AP2 measurements, something really basic.”
Amir will not address that statement in any credible way since this would be an admission that he is totally incapable of dealing with the intricacies of proper measurement details and would make all of his tests suspect. Even if Loesch’s opinion that maybe Amir was dumb enough to have pin 1 connected to the shell of his xlr connectors when he performs a test there is obviously some reason for the constant apologizing for the ’I tried everything I could to get rid of that 60hz crap but couldn’t do it.’ Not to mention the interference and noise sources common in a residential neighborhood which would negate the chance of any single test results being repeatable.
Can you explain it in context of this:
What is Thorston saying?
- Is it to not connect pin1 on XRLs
or - Not to connect pin1 to the shell of an RCA?
or - Something else?