I think my price point will be near 15k and less.My system right now has audiovalve challenger monoblocks with kt88's and I also have a pair of roland model 6 monoblocks so I can go either way but maybe leaning to going back to solid state. I always find myself recommending Merlin speakers to people so it will probally be one I will be considering as well as Aerial, YG Acoustics, Focal, Wilson, Nola, Von Schweikert and Verity.I would recommend that you also consider the Daedalus Ulysses, which I believe is presently just slightly above the price point you indicated. Or, if the Ulysses is too large for the space or more expensive than you would prefer, consider the smaller Athena model.
The Daedalus speakers manage to combine a rich, full-bodied, natural and unfatiguing tonal character with speed and resolution that I don't think you would be disappointed with. They would also be compatible matches with pretty much any well-designed amplifier known to mankind other than very low power SETs, although the two models you have are most likely more powerful than necessary (the Ulysses are 98 db/1W/1m; the Athena 96 db).
I've never had electrostatic speakers in my system, but I regularly use a pair of older Stax electrostatic headphones. Obviously their presentation is very different than that of my Ulysses, and each has its strong points and weak points relative to the other, but when I listen to the speakers it's rare that I find myself missing the speed, resolution, clean transient response, etc., of the headphones to a significant degree.
-- Al