Esoteric VRDS-NEO not reading discs

I have an Esoteric K-01 cd/sacd player that is around 7 years old.  Recently the transport tray began to have a problem.  It would only open part way on the first 3 trys.  I was told that it needed a new transport drive belt, so I replaced the belt and the tray opened fine.  However, now the laser does not read the disc consistently.  It has played fine for a few hours, but most of the time it reads "no disc" or "disc error."   have contacted Esoteric and there only response is that I need to send the unit to an authorized Esoteric repair center.  They also have told me that the service manual is not for sale to the public.  This unit has been off Warranty for many years.  The cost to send it to the repair center is over $100 each way.

All this trouble for a part that costs around $0.40 for a generic replacement, and $16 for an authentic belt from Esoteric.  This player cost around $20k new and it is  rendered inoperable after 7 years because of the failure of a cheap belt. I do not think I should have to pay hundreds of dollars to have it repaired.  It does not seem fair to me that Esoteric will not help me to fix this problem myself.

What do you think?  Is there anyone out there who can help me to understand what the problem is with the laser not reading discs properly?  I am willing to pay someone for their help.


Thanks for the update Russ.

I look forward (with trepidation) about how your issue is resolved.   I will do everything I can to avoid the California place if and when mine needs service.  My friend and I both had terrible experiences with that place.  The damn jig needed for alignment is what I fret over.

Owning a K01 which I really enjoy your issue very relevant in how you get dealt with.  

Hope they make it right and it is spinning flawlessly at some point




An Esoteric player at your level should not exhibit any

Error Code in playback. I own a sweet DV 50 for comparison.


Happy Listening!

I always wonder why Esoteric don’t have good repair service here in the USA? My Sony 9000es modwright ten years then laser gave up.

best on the market no doubt

in case it happens again.

if the laser fails, replace the optical pickup.

Russ, Greetings

Have you got the K01 squared away and spinning?

Curious how you made out with the repair and if it is completed to your satisfaction?

Appreciate an update.
