Moving to a dynamic speaker from a Electrostatic

I am downsizing my home and presently have soundlab M2's.
I would like to hear from people who have moved back into a dynamic speaker from electrostatics and what makes were the ones that you listened to and eventually settled on.
Ralph do you know of anyone running any of your amps with a nola speaker?

I've heard of it but not heard the combination myself. I do know though that most of the Nola's have dual woofer arrays, expecting the amp to double its power into the lower impedance. Makes it tricky for a tube amp to sound right, but if I recall right, our customers using the Nolas are also using a set of ZEROs to help tame that.
I changed from Accoustats to Duettas, and finally to Green Mountain Audios which are time aligned with first order crossovers. Also try Vandersteens.