Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm

I am trying to do my due diligence about this arm. I am just having a hard time getting my head around this idea of zero overhang and no offset. Does this arm really work the way it is reported to do?



Ralph says above, "Drawing the line between what we hear and what we can now measure is likely to draw ire from both the subjective and objective camps. The very idea! But if you want to get down to knowing what's really going on, that's what has to be done. The acrimony between the two camps has to end."

I'm with @atmasphere on this one. I'd have been fine with sharing some thoughts on this if the conversation had maintained civility.


A tonearm has to be held rigidly in all but two directions rotation vertically and rotation horizontally.

How does the Schröder Reference and anyone who is a fan of it fit into this world view?



I'm not sure about the 'world view' bit. This is a mechanical engineering problem.

The arm tube doesn't appear rigidly coupled to its base (being suspended by yarn), so if vibration is present at the platter the pickup will be able to interpret the difference in motion as a coloration. 

Any arm that lacks rigid coupling between the arm tube and the base of the amp has this problem. How profoundly is a different matter but you can know with certainty that coloration will be present.

Of course the better the tt is suspended/damped to prevent vibration helps reduce this issue, but modulation on the LP itself will result in the arm not being perfectly in locus above the groove as it should be. 




Post removed 

@alan60 :

Dear @alan60 : First than all I never posted that you are stupid.

Second was you who posted that I have to have " open mind " and when I read your post decided that maybe and due that you posted " open mind " then you are that way.

After your post I decided to gave you a really wider explanation starting from the LP recording proccess and the play proccess. Now that I re-read it was really wide.

Follows my post that’s not about only theories but facts/clear evidence of what I posted before in other posts about to my surprise your direct answer was and is:



"" ​​​​ sorry but I am not interested in nor do I want to understand all the theories. All that interests me is the music and how it sounds to my ears. ""


Obviously rigth there did not appeared your touted " open mind ".


This is my last post to you ( period ) but do it a favor and please read again that post. No pun intented for any gentleman:



I’m answering you and will try to help you a little to understand the whole TAE main subject in this VIV underhung tonearm.


First you as any one elsedo not needs to know the alignment equations and its meaning or from where those equations came. The main subject it’s not about " open mind " and certainly not about subjectivity alone. The whole main subject is full of objectivity to understand how the cartridge stylus tip rides the LP groove modulations with been main target to pick-up 100% of the recording information ( it’s no way with an analog cartridge/transducer to pick up 100%. ).

To understand all those first we have to understand in which " form/way " comes the groove LP modulations and for that we have to go to the recording proccess and inside it go to yhe cutting machine where the cutter head cuts the recording modulations in full tangential angle. From here and after 1-3 steps comes the LP you have in your hand.

What need we to pick up " 100% " of the groove modulations in the LP and where those groove modulations where cutted in tangential angle/way?

Easy: we need that the cartridge stylus tip rides those LP groove modulations in exactly the same way the cutter head did it and this is in : tangential way and from here came the LT tonearms that does not needs any offset andgle due that the cartridge stylus tip mounted in that kind/shape of tonearm is tangential one. In principle this is the best way to read th LP groove modulations: tangential way where does not exist TAE, well exist but is 0°.

In all pivoted tonearms, no matters what but the pivoted LT designs, the cartridge stylus tip can’t read/ride/track way due that been mounted in a pivoted tonearm always exist a deviation of that ideal 0° TAE.


Then what’s the best we can do to minimize to put at minimum all over the LP modulated surface and at the same time puts the developed distortions for that TAE ( tracking/tracing error ) to pick-up all the signal information that can stays nearer to what a tangential tonearm/cartridge can pick-up and nearer to the recording?

Every one has their own targets mine is to pick-up all TRUER information from those LP grooves with minimum developed distotions.

To achieve those we must ( there is no other alternative, a least for now. ) try to align the cartridge mounted in the pivoted tonearm with the minimum off-set angle ( 0°, idealy ) that permit to pick-up maximum TRUE grooves information at minimum developed tracing distortion.

What is nearest to 0°: 1° or 10°? ovbiously that 1° that puts me nearer to what in true is in the recording when 10° puts me not only away from the recording but at that angle or near that angle the pick up information is " untruer ". Here I’m not talking if we like what we listen/hear or not but I’m talking of what really happens down there.


Things are that in 1938 a gentleman Proff. Lófgren ( latter on other researchers/engineers. ) found out the solution to all those I posted here and his calculations ( that you do not needs to understand or to be a mathematrics guy. ) was and is the Standard in the analog industry and is knowed as Löfgren alignment where you only needs the rigth protractor to fix the off-set angle and overhang solution/solved by that Löfgren tonearm/cartridge alignment.

Normally and due that that kind of alignment solution have two null points normally in tonearms of over 10" ( maybe even lower EL ) the tracking error due to the off-set angle is mantained at around 1° +,- 0.3° 90% of the time.


That’s the way to start TRUER to the recording.


VIV comes with no off-set angle and with a TAE of around 10° and due that only exist one null point the TAE 90% of the time is truly nearr to those 10° and this means that the angle of the cartridge stylus tip is way off in the VIV tonearm and is if off how can pick up TRUER information from the groove modulations? just can’t do it.

The Löfgren Industry Standar is the way to go.

I know that you and other VIV owners are really happy and I’m not against you. What I’m telling you is try to understand of what you are listeing that’s really different of what the gentlemans that use Löfgren are listening.

Yes, our hobby is about MUSIC enjoyment but exist a quality gradation for that enjoyment and I know that @mijostyn as me likes to have that MUSIC enjoyment inside the higher quality gradation we/he can. """


I posted in this thread twice and many times in other threads: we need try to have and equilibrium between objectivity and subjectivity. Stay only in one of those extremes is just " wrong " and makes no sense to me. Again, no pun intented.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
