Made in USA

I love to support USA products as much as I can. Even if it costs more. Id say 2nd choice Europe or Japan. Last place China.

So USA made HiFi products I have are... Magnepan, Odyssey, Geshelli, Rythmik, Schitt, Bluejean, Belden, Analog Productions( vinyl). Musichall & Monitor Audio (UK), Nagaoka, Magomi(Japan), 

Other USA made HiFi I know of.. Kilpsch (high end speakers), Jeff Rowland, P.S. Audio, Emotiva?

Im sure there are more. Please continue list and lets support our own.

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"Only Larsman reads you posts. "

I don't count, don't matter apparently!!!



I consciously try to stay away from products manufactured in China. I realize there are some (many) things that are impossible to do that on these days, but where I can, I try to do it. Where I can I will spend my limited cash supporting companies not in communist/totalitarian countries. Maybe an over simplified approach, but that is how I think. My audio gear is from the US, England, Japan, and yes Taiwan. I support their desire to stay free of the ROC.

@bigtwin all good I love @nonoise just not his politics, pontificating and hypocrisy.

Would not harm a hair on his old bald head not a fan of elder abuse.