DarTZeel NHB-108 Model B with SCNP upgrade

I can't find much info on the DarTZeel 108B with SCNP upgrade. Does it require the DarTZeel pre-amp for the SCNP upgrade improvements as one blog has suggested? When did the version B become available and do the newer version B amps have the SCNP circuitry? Also other than the DC compensation circuit change, were there any other changes? The cost on a used DarTZeel amp is usually less w/o the SCNP network upgrade but I want to confirm that I can keep my Cary SLP-O5 tube amp and benefit from the SCNP circuit. Thanks for any input.



Wow! Thank you for all the great clarification Mike. I have the Evolution Acoustic MM3's and normally I wouldn't buy a component like this without hearing it but this sounds like a perfect upgrade from my PS Audio BHK 250. Thanks again for all your help. Makes my decision a no brainer. Interesting how little is published on these upgrades. The blogs I found were helpful but not comprehensive.


you are most welcome.

i used the EA MM3’s (owned the 2nd pair built) with the 108B with and without SNCP dartzeel for 7 years. the SNCP did make a positive difference when pushed. it is a wonderful match. the MM3’s were originally voiced on the (non-SNCP) dart 108B.

the 108 is good on a generic power cable. but the 108 does appreciate good power cables, i’ve tried a few. my favorite were the Evolution Acoustic triple run power cables. i just upgraded (for my EA 468 mono’s) to the new EA power cables just introduced.

Thanks again Mike. I'm looking forward to the next level on my long obsession for musical Utopia!