Pass Labs X350.5 and Krell FPB200


Pass Labs X350.5 and Krell FPB200 have the same sound character or are they very different?
Which is the most performing ?



I’ve owed/own both albeit not the FPB 200 but its bigger brother.

It depends on your speaker and associted gear.

To provide a straight answer, without knowing those details, I woiuld take the X350.5 and call it a day. Tough to beat especially at its used price.

I owned the Krell KSA-250 amp, (I know not the same) and I replaced it with a Pass Labs X350.5. The Krell was good for its time and did provide some brute power, but the Pass sounded livelier. I actually preferred the X350.5 over the newer X350.8. To me it sounded more open.



I prefer the .5 over the .8 also.  I have the 600.5 and had the 350.5. 

I have the B&W 801 S3 and the Audio Research Reference 1 preamp.
Thanks for the replys.