Just tried Musetec 005 dac (already broken in) fed by Oppo bdp 105 via optical out (cd) with dac fed straight into the Pass Labs X250.5 (by passing Modwrighted tubed output) (jc2 headed back to Parasound for repair) Unfortunately my 105 does not have usb audio output.
Far from best set up. Waiting for Benchmark LA4 to be shipped.
BUT....First impressions: sound is cleaner, fuller if not a lil recessed compared to what I had before especially with the oppo feeding the amp directly. (unlistenable) there's a deeper soundstage...voices don't glare as much. And there's more pronounced instrument separation. This is all very promising. Hoping new pre amp will bring more low end and smooth out the top end. LA4, though, is said to let the source and amp shine...no fixing the sound. CDP might need replacing...then gotta pin down streaming.
But can listen to this while waiting for the new pre