So Weird- No Stylus Contact Woofer Pumping with Hana ML and Elac PPA-2

I observed the weirdest thing I have ever seen in audio. With the cartridge positioned above the record, tone arm locked up and platter spinning, the woofers were pumping on my system. I googled every permutation of query I could think of but came back with no hits. That’s when I decided to video the problem- link below:

Mystery Woofer Pumping

I could type out all the details but the video pretty much covers everything. I thought ya’ll might be interested in this.



The platter is solid aluminum.  Even if it had a layer of another metal hidden below, it would be a solid circumferential piece. It makes no sense to invent possibilities that are very remote and then feel satisfied that you know what is going on.  And even more important, if you watch the video, the pumping ceases when the LP and platter mat are removed!!!  If the platter per se was the cause, that would not happen.


Just for grins-even though you don't want to undertake onerous steps-please try switching the neutral and ground wires at the clips. Should take you less than a minute. I am sure you know this-use your fingernails and not pliers.