Quicksilver v4 monos vs CODA Continuum No. 8 Version 1.

What would you prefer for perfectly matching pair of speakers 170 WPC of tubed monoblocks or 300 WPC of Solid State stereo amp with first 18 Watts in Class A ?


You need to listen to both to decide which you prefer. That's all that matters. Either should be able to power most speakers.

You need to listen to both to decide which you prefer. That's all that matters. Either should be able to power most speakers.

Let’s stay under the topic. It’s not about my preference. I was asking about yours, if you have any. 

Why would you ask a stranger such a specific question if it wasn't related to what you wanted for yourself?

The Quicksilver tube amps would be my choice! I own Quicksilver gear so I am biased!

BTW, A true class A amp does not switch to class A/B! If you want a true class A amp you should be a lookin’ at First Watt or Pass amps!