Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


I do 100% agree with you on MQA. 

I actually did audition by myself using Cary DMS700. I primarily use Roon to play streaming musics and Pachanko is my Computer Audio Transport.(CAT)

I tested it by add both Tidal and Qobuz in the Roon. Played same songs and listened for quite sometimes. Songs on Tidal were all MQA while listened to FLAC lossless on Qobuz. I can notice rightaway that the MQA songs from Tidal were lacking of details and Transient. 

One of Audiophile Groups in Thailand discussed about MQA and we think it's not 'Loseless' format. How can Folded MQA musics as good or better than Native Loseless FLAC/WAV? 

For MQA, we need both Software and Hardware to completely decode and render to get 24/192. Without MQA DAC, you can get only 1 step unfold which is not recommended by MQA. (Software in Roon or Tidal can do only 1 step unfold) 

That's why I'm really don't care about MQA DAC anymore. The MQA render process is to apply some 'Filter' to smoothen the songs. That gives the good and bad at the same time. If you notice. Good DACs in the market rarely have MQA Capability. (Mola Mola, DAVE, Naim....) 

With the Internet Speed today, we can listen to Full Loseless songs on Qobuz without any bandwidth issue. That's why I'm moving from Tidal to Qobuz. 


Jafant, Cary DMS700 is one of a good Streamer+MQA DAC in my opinion. Anyway, It can't compare to separated CAT + DAC. It's the good starting point for streamer but I recommended you to go Esoteric if you need CD Player + DAC. 




Thank You for the follow up. I do own a sweet Esoteric DV-50 player.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up. Good to read that you guys had a fun Audio outing.


Happy Listening!

Same here i downgraded my Tidal membership to regular 16/44 because my gear doesn't take MQA.

I mostly stream from Qobuz up to 24/192 and much less from Tidal.