@sasho - apologies for not answering sooner
have you tried 1 x solid core Neoteck Up OCC 12 AWG with original teflon or Cardas Chassis hook up 11.5 AWG wire Instead of 2 x 14 AWG bare OCC for signal In speaker cable
Unfortunately I have not compared these Gauge/wires in speaker cables
- I did try 1 x 12 gauge vs. 2 x 14 gauge Neotech wires in power cables and the 2 x 14 gauge perfromed better
- I did try 1 x 14 gauge Notech with teflon insulation and 1 x 14 gauge bare Neotech in Teflon tube and the bare wire in teflon tube performed better
From what I have read, the Cardas wire is stranded
- I have tried stranded Neotech wire and compared it to solid Neotech wire, both with Teflon insulation
- The bare wire provided the better performance
From what I have been able to discover...
- electrons generally like to stay within a strand of wire, but will "jump" between strands under certain conditions
- jumping strands takes more energy which results in micro distortions
- these distortions manifest as noise in the signal which impacts sound quality
For those reasons I use only bare wires,
I have also tried 3 and 4 wires in Teflon tubes and found no advantage over 2 wires, which is why I use 2 wires for all signal and live conductors
Seems that using two wires with each wire is inside a teflon tube is the optimum soluton, but I have not been able to ascertain why 3 or 4 wires do not sound better
Hope that helps - Steve