Buying Service?

Looking for a rare DAC: not many made but just missed buying the exact model I’ve been hunting for at US Audio Mart.

Can Audiogon, Canuck or some other used audio gear service or retailer in the US or CA help me find it for sale?

ajant Must include the balanced XLR upgrade. Someone just beat me to it at HiFI Shark; it even included the Pardo ps. It's discontinued and even if I found one with the RCAs Exasound said that they no longer offer the XLR upgrade.

IF I went for that WTB where's the best place to post it? Fee?

I will email Audiogon about that Follow service. Thanks!!





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Surprising that Exasound has already discontinued this product as it doesn’t seem to have been on the market that long. Have you looked into the Okto Research?

I’ve read articles about synching up multiple DAC’s as well- probably more expensive but might offer different options and overall flexibility.

The manual is dated 3/2019. It was replaced by the e68. Manual date 1/2021. Unfortunately, Exasound offers no optional balanced XLRs for the e68, which I need. That really stinks because only the top model s88 has them-but along with advanced DSD, server and other things I don't need-for at least $6.5K.

Yes, I'm well aware of the Okto Pro 8 DAC, but enough comparisons have been made to suspect that the Exasound still delivers better sound quality. Also, those build and/or functionality issues with the remote which Okto likely has no plans to resolve. The least they could do is to offer some kind of firmware update that might make the DAC 90% of the DAC's remote functionality learnable by Harmony, Sony, Logitech or other remotes.

Unfortunately, being the King of Bad Luck, I don't expect an e38MK2 to be for sale any time soon. But it will be some time before I narrow down my list of front and rear/side speakers to audition. Maybe around then it may happen. Of course, what really stinks is that Exasound and Okto are the only two brands selling respectably sounding MCH DACs for 5.1 or 8.1 systems.