So Weird- No Stylus Contact Woofer Pumping with Hana ML and Elac PPA-2

I observed the weirdest thing I have ever seen in audio. With the cartridge positioned above the record, tone arm locked up and platter spinning, the woofers were pumping on my system. I googled every permutation of query I could think of but came back with no hits. That’s when I decided to video the problem- link below:

Mystery Woofer Pumping

I could type out all the details but the video pretty much covers everything. I thought ya’ll might be interested in this.



In the post above, the word "isolation" which appears in line 9 of the second paragraph, should be changed to "oscillation".  I thought I fixed that within the time limit for editing, but apparently not.

I mentioned that I would be re-wiring my tone arm this weekend and I have completed that. I'm going to start a separate thread about the why of the rewire and it's results. For the purposes of this thread, I'm enjoying the improved sound so much there may a hold on converting back to balanced mode.