2023 Florida Audio Expo Show Report

This is one of the very best deals so far at the show ! The Prototype Eminent Technology Model 18 LS System for.. $15K, that is for All the Gear Too !.. They might get...

"Best Of Show too" ! 😲




Already bought some new Sonus Faber, selling my old Legacy Audio Signature II's, in case anyone is interested!

Later on I will be buying the Eminent Technology Model 18 LS System with a T+A DAC 200 and all top of the line Authentic Audio Image Cables

They will be two versions of these Eminent Technology Model 18 LS Speakers, the first version will be coming out Soon with the 6 1/2 inch bass drivers like you see in this video and Later On down the road a 8 inch bass drivers version with much much bigger Panel Loudspeakers will be coming out ! I’m waiting to get the MUCH BIGGER 8 inch bass drivers version of the Eminent Technology Model 18 LS System...He talks about the "Two Versions of the Eminent Technology Model 18 LS System" in this video here...


The new Acora flagship is quite expensive but I feel strongly that it's the greatest loudspeaker I've ever heard. Yes, the Clarisys, MBL, Jospeh, and a few other rooms were very very nice, but not quite in the league of the big Acora room.

I hope to review the Clarisys speakers at some point, as they were more than excellent.  My .02