Upgrade to McIntosh

Hello everyone,

I am looking to upgrade my hi-fi sytem.I demod MC 275 recently and loved the tuby,warm house sound of Mcintosh.

I will be pairing them with Sonus Faber Olympica 1.

I am torn between MA352 integrated and MC275+C8 separates. The latter is obviously more costly but I am willing to go for it if there are advantages.

How would the sound differ? What would be the most notable distinction between the two system in your opinion?

Thanks in advance

Very new to Mac. I brought home a pair of 611’s and a c49 this weekend to drive my Kef blades. These are the store demos and I expect are indicative of what a run in system will sound like. The system has exceeded my expectations and I’m buying them. My Mc dealer says I’ll like the tube pre better, but he also says I’ll get full future trade value so I’m going to keep enjoying the c49 awhile. I expected the amps to sail through chili peppers turned up to 11 and they do. What really surprised me is how open, detailed and dynamic they sound at low and moderate volume. I just need a couple bases to get them off the carpet and I’m set. 

@jumia Wrote:

Mc 611 monos work very well with a tube preamp.  Monos a lot better due two separate power supply and more power.

I agree. I will also add that monoblock amps have better left and right channel separation and the ability to keep the speaker cables very, very short plus each monoblock amp can have it's own AC dedicated circuit. Lastly, the mono blocks do not take up any real estate in my listen room as I have each monoblock amp under each speaker. 😎


I, like @styleman went from a 6900 to a MA352 and really love the sound of the 352. I have rolled a couple of tubes in it. Currently using some Tung-sol’s and they have added a thickness to it in the best way possible. I like the combo of SS amp and tube preamp. I feel like the MA352 gives you a lot of flexibility. The MA352 is a winner in my book. I haven't noticed any harshness in the mids. I'm running mine with the JBL L100 Classic 75's. Amazing combo. Let us know what you end up doing!



Can you be specific on the Tung-sol tubes you replaced the stock tubes with.  I'd like to try it.  Thanks