8-10k budget suggestions please

Hey guys, 

been out of the game about 10 years, got a new wife, new house, and plugged in my old B&W 804's.  Connected them to a Denon receiver expecting to want to do surround sound.......But forget it!  I really want to maximize my 804's for 2 channel listening.

My room is 15ft long by 13 by 9.  not very big but I need amplification and streaming capabilites.  Will add TT later as I do have vinyl.  Room tx is on it's way so let's just assume it's already done.


Thanks for all your help!


I've never listened to B&W speakers, but it seems lots of people here are not very fond of them. You may have a nostalgic attachment to them? If the speakers are not that great, no matter how much you spend, they will never live up to the potential of the amp...I would go and audition other speakers to gauge if your speakers are worthy if a $6K+ amp.

Well I get the Krell this week!  I'll let you guys know what I think when it gets warmed up.  

How do you guys do your room eq?

Congratulations on the big step to krell!   I'm always turned off when someone slams one brand then follows up with recommendations of what they have.  The early b&w was voiced in that more traditional British sound that needed proper components to come alive. I expect the krell gear will 'wake them up ' personally I would recommend getting to know this new system b4 spending another ndime

 Playing with roe in and other placement options will make as much difference as cables.  Enjoy 

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Alright boys and girls, got the Krell last night.  Stayed up a little too long, drank a little too much for a Thursday.  Already really enjoying it.  after about two hours of warm up the things I noticed right away were the soundstage was much bigger, better separation of instruments, and I believe what people call "fleshed out"   Just seemed more like the band was in the room.  I think that is correct.  I'll be listening again tonight after leaving it on since I got it.  Last night I was just listening through Blue tooth on my phone streaming Tidal.  Is this how everyone is listening?

Should I look at getting a power cord?