
Although the option to do so is there, I hadn't planned on bi-wiring my speakers, especially after watching this:

In the video it only speaks of bi-wiring on the speaker side (and a bit about bi-amping). But my amp has two sets of binding post for each channel as shown here:

I have reached out to both my dealer and the manufacturer about this with no response as of yet, so I was looking to you all for what your thoughts are on this? 

Will running 2 pairs of speaker wires to the 4 individual binding post do anything for me or would the info in the video still prevail? Thanks! 


It is still biwiring. The 4 speaker posts per channel are there for that exact purpose. 

IMHO the main benefit in biwiring speakers using two wires from your amp going to four connectors on the speaker is that you eliminate the need to use a piece of metal between the two positive and two negative connectors on your speaker which is a good thing. Whether you will actually hear the difference is a different issue. I haven't. The benefits of biwiring have been discussed often - I’ve always been attracted to the KISS theory and don’t recommend bi wiring. It has been alleged that some major speaker manufacturers, at least initially, demurred on having two sets of connectors because they thought they were not beneficial but subsequently started installing them due to public demand.

In the past, I have both bi-wired and used a single pair of wires (with jumpers) on the speaker end of things, no problem. I'm just confused about the additional binding posts on the power amp. Although @stereo5 suggests it's still bi-wiring, so the video holds true.