Jeff Rowland Model 8 or Plinius SA 103

With B&W 801S3 which is the best combination, Jeff Rowland model 8 or Plinius SA103 ?
Thanks for helping.


Well I have had the Pliniusa-250,, the B&W 801#3 and am familiar  with the Rowland 8's.

I ran my 801's with a krell ksa250, too polite.

The Rowland 8 might be on the Warm side. Plinius might be a tad brighter.

I don't think you could go wrong with either,

Love that rowland. 801's need good control of the lows

Too bad you cant get both amps and Sell the one that isn't to your liking.

I think the 103 would be awesome with the 801s unless you’re looking for a very detailed presentation as opposed to a more natural sound.  Plus, despite being Class A Plinius thoughtfully included a low-bias switch so you can leave it on in that cooler-running mode 24/7 without heating the house or running up the electric bill and no waiting an hour for the amp to warm up for serious listening.  Very nice.  I also happen to think it looks great, if that matters at all. 

In theory the Model 8 should have more bass control of the 801 for the 400 watts into 4 ohms instead of the Plinius 220 watts.
If there are any other experiences with these combinations please let me know.
Thank you guys.

Hi hiend2, I take advantage of you experience with the model 8 to ask you what is the musical difference between the model 8, 8T and 8Ti?
