Synergistic Research Orange Fuses

Does anyone have the new SR Orange fuse? I'm considering it but currently have their Blue and wondering about the advantages of moving up.
Frank, oregonpapa was "testing", evaluating Orange prototype fuse for Ted Denney (Synergistic Research). His "testimony" is just advertizing material, . We know, there "no free lunch". I bet, he didn’t pay for the "prototype" Orange fuses. I have no doubt SR Orange is a very good fuse but what value has Frank opinion? I would like to hear from unbiased persons, not affiliated to Synergistic Research about the new Orange fuse.
I use Blue fuse and wonder how much Orange different, better?
I just got the 2nd orange fuse in my amp, sounds good from the start, no idea why. I have one in my preamp that one take awhile to sound good, it sound ok to start but didn't fully settle in after 150 hrs. this one once in the amp, quieter ie. blacker background, wider soundstage, more holographic, voices the most difference it sounds more natural, love this part, all others the timbre just seem to sound more correct or natural, does seem to have a bit of grain sometime, very strange most SR products take long time to break in, the power cord is the worst

@jordi  +1 with regards to a better volume pot such as a TKD or Khozmo where real difference can be made for less than the price of a Synergistic Master Fuse.

Then a change to Duelund caps might cost a bit more, but are big upgrade to the run of the mill caps most manufacturer's install even in some of the more expensive kit.


     Anyone actually interested in improving the sound/presentation of their system and curious, as to whether a simple fuse change might make a difference, can audition the Synergistic, at home, for 30 days, without risk.

     Click on the following and scroll down slightly.   You'll notice a proclamation/seal, promising your money back, if dissatisfied.

      No excuse not to try them for yourself (or a plethora of Synergistic's other products in your own home and system, with your own ears*) to dispel any mystery.

                                      SO MANY variables

                        SO MUCH bias and unfounded opinion

        *Obviously: one must trust their ears as well as: capacity for discerning the truth, because the Denyin'-tologists will tell you, "You're crazy!" (or some variant).


                                     HAPPY LISTENING!