Harbeth M40.1 vs. KEF 205/2 vs. Spendor SP100R2

Three UK built speakers that offer near state of the art sound and are "relatively" affordable to many of us on Audiogon. My experience with the 3 models is limited so your opinions will be interesting and valued. My most recent demo was the Harbeth 40.1. My opinion was left incomplete due to the amp driving it. A Luxman 505u was used to drive the big Harbeth making them a little slow and soft. IMO more power and refinement is needed for the 40.1 The KEF I heard was the original 205 with the super tweeter. Let me just say it is one of the best box speakers i've heard. Maybe it was the magical synergy of the MAC 352 amp or the unknown(can't recall)cables? From what i've read the current 205/2 is not as amp or cable sensitive. I've heard several Spendor speakers but NOT the 100R2. What impressed me most with the various Spendor models was the "Quad" like tonality without the excessive warmth of some other British speakers. I would like to hear your comments regarding these iconic loudspeakers. As always I appreciate your comments.
Hello Dayglow......I had a Classe' CA 2300 which ws a 300 watt amp but it just didn't open up it always seemed that something was holding it back. The Spendor's may have changed as I think the new interation is the SP100R2, The KEF's I would think would be easy to drive at a 90db sensivity level at 8 ohm's ...let me know. I have listened to the Avalon Ascendents which is at their lower level of their line but still incorporates the Avalon sound. Not a fan huh ????........the Vienna's are new speaker and I expect that we will hear more after CES ....price is about $12,000 and Vienna does make some nice stuff. Then there is the ProAC D40-r's .....had ProAC years ago and they seems to have fadded over here in the US ....still ncie stuff but many feel way over priced for what you get. I did listen to the Wilseon Benesch's ACT used at the same price - nice speaker , UK made but they have pulled out of the US so to support ....not for that kind of money. So, my room ( finished basement, temperature controlled ) is 11' feet wide , 20' deep with 7 ' ceilings. All Esoteric equipment now ....and the amp is the A03 class A 50 watt beast. Let m eknow what you have found out as we are both looking at the same stuff.... ohhh ...the Magico's sound nice but $12,000 for a two way ?????
....note ; '' the Harebteh's didn't open up not the amp '' Damm thing is I wanted to like the Harbeth's ! I wonder how they would sound with my new Esoteric amp ????? See my previous thread here on Audiogon on the Harbeth's. They are still an option but leaning towards the KEF's 205/2
s or the Avalon's ....two different sound and yes you are right goijg form the Avalon's to the Harbeth's might have been too much of a shock
Were the 40.1's fully broke in? Some speakers need over 500 hours to be completely broke in. I believe the KEF 205/2 is in the 6th year of production, watch for closeout prices. Can the KEF 205/3 be to far off? Other speakers on my watch list...ATC SCM 40v2-Audio Physics Virgo 25-Elac FS249be-Focus Audio FP90se-JBL S3900-Marten Django L and the Thiel CS 2.7. The ATC is clearly the best bargain of the group retailing at $6k!
Are you sure it was the Harbeth that made the sound seem slow? I ask because I have had 3 different Classe model amps and all of them were dark and thick sounding, slow if you will. It could have been the amp/speakers match, not the speakers itself.
I know you have been on a journey for a few years now
and see Stereo5 is stumped by your comments drawing straws and the break in blame game etc.
and your own comments
""I just always felt that something was '' choking '' the music from fully coming out of those big boxes.....the excuse I got was that my room too small.....""

2 things I would take a look at first
You have a room that almost divides by 2
11' feet wide , 20' deep with 7 ' ceilings.
Why not take a look at what the room is doing
in the bass area.
If you take a piece of notebook paper and write
1 thru 11 vertically on the left side of paper
then 1 to 11 vertically on the right side.
You can download the bass warble tones from the sight below see your results.
Track 1 thru 11 is your left ch
Track 16 thru 25 is your Right ch
You will also need an SPL meter set to c Weighted and slow and compare your left and right channels for room variations and anomalies.
anyone else who would also like to join in feel free to
share your results.
Please take note to keep the volume down and you will want to have 2/3s of these tones reach 75 db as an average.
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