Do they call it the Model T because the acoustic design is from the last century? Double stacked tweeters and mids but bizarrely stacked with large spread between the lower mid and upper tweeter. Even on a 3 way in 2023 really no excuse for not using wave guides. Strikes me as an old tech speaker with some amps thrown in.
You wanted me to suggest a speaker @kota1 , if we stick to active I would suggest the Kii3 BXT with additional subs. In the home market it is at the leading edge of active speaker implementation. For @donavabdear it will offer better placement flexibility. Only $30K though for a pair but you could buy 2 sets.
I would also listen to the Beolab 90 again staying active. Not for everyone but the wide / narrow modes illustrate more of what is possible in active speakers, giving both the accurate critical listening narrow mode and the "I love my ambience,", fake, but pleasurable wide mode. Price is just over $100K so in the range of what @donavabdear is looking for. Could be interesting main pair as the wide would be good for casual 2 channel, and the narrow for critical and would be better for ATMOS where you don't want fake ambience.