Passive speakers- crossovers in cabinets no amp
Active speakers -no crossover in the cabinet
Powered speaker - amp in the cabinet
I've been using these terms incorrectly sometimes, sorry.
I do like Bryston they've always been a good company used their amps in one of the very first digital audio workstations years ago.
I'm looking for a high end system that I don't have to think I can do better, I don't care about flipping equipment every month. If you can find a high end system great but as I've said the audiophile manufactures don't want to make high end powered systems they have to much to loose when people figure out amps and speakers should be made for each other. Concert speakers are different animals than audiophile speakers as well as studio speakers. It seems that even the Macintosh amps and Sonus Faber speakers aren't made for each other. Only Steinway makes high end active systems ( high end over $200k) as far as I know.
But then again I'm slow.