This video seems like the way I want to go except better speakers, he spoke interestingly about law of diminishing returns near the beginning. I definitely agree with using synergy in equipment but then again I got the Naim / Focal headphones. I'm going to listen before I go with my big system. Last night the system I have now was completely quiet even the subs, infuriating just when I was going to throw $15k of subs in the street they get quiet, oh well. The 9hs with the JL Audio subs are pretty good I was listening to some Magico M3 speakers in Las Vegas and my 9hs with the subs were much better except that the Magico's had no subs and it's lower end had a better transition but not even close to as much punchy and effortless low end, the Magico M3s are just under $100k my speakers I have now are definitely better than those.
@thespeakerdude The dealer Im going through has been doing high end for 30+ years he can get just about anything he would have no problem with Macintosh and Sonus Faber, not sure he could get JBL, long ago JBL did have some very good high end speakers, I've always liked them. I have a good room and it doesn't need much at all that's why all the DSPs I've used do practically nothing. I'm going to make my own absorption panels simply for a little less reflection in the corner and then put up some curbs on the ceiling for both systems then some damping in the book shelves behind my speakers might just put books in them they work perfectly. I'm also going to get a remote with a timer for my Sub Zero refrigerator in the kitchen in my listening room it's really noisy, I can turn off my air conditioning but it's really hard to get it quiet while it's running I just turn off the whole thing when I want to really listen. As far a money I don't care I want to have a listening system that is an event every time I listen to it. My wife wants me to buy the system I want (crazy I know) she says at least I'll have something the money won't just go up in smoke in the stock market.