Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.


Also Kota so well said this is playtime after 35 years of being totally focused on the most minute details of sound and now I want an amusement park of enjoyable listening.

even if Macintosh owns Sonus Fabre I don’t think these units are made for each other. 

I see those Mac amps in the video, giant mono blocks, huge amounts of power. Of course it makes you want that amp, who wouldn't. You got bit by the Sonos Fabers, wonderful. I think that is a wonderful combo for anyone wanting a two channel setup.

But, it isn't active, it isn't inexpensive, and not really matched like Mac speakers would be. For an end game speaker I would have to have the amp, the crossover, the drivers (ideally individually powered in an active setup), and the room all match. If you want to use your BHK both th M2 and the Bryston active use outboard crossovers, NP.

Also Kota so well said this is playtime after 35 years of being totally focused on the most minute details of sound and now I want an amusement park of enjoyable listening.

I get that in your posts, balance both. Be a pro in your shopping experience and an amusement park in your listening experience.

@kota1 exactly, that setup wouldn't be what I would like but as I keep saying the only system that is designed like I think it should be is the Steinway, they say it may be the best there is but I don't want to set up 2 sets of main speakers in my listening room if I want to see a movie or listen to Atmos music. The Steinway system is absolutely its own deal, I spoke with my dealer he hasn't even herd of any hacks that would allow Lyngdorf equipment to jump in. Yes very frustrating the best practice of building sound systems for the home is not followed in the kind of system I want. The way around it is to buy really good equipment, this is what I did in movie sound, I think I had the most expensive sound equipment of any sound mixer, this was always a good investment for me. "do the best mixers have the best equipment or does the best equipment have the best mixers" this was a saying I often thought of. 
Ok moment of truth in our friendship.....How do you feel about cables?

@donavabdear ,

Are you going to be using these speakers as part of a larger multichannel setup or purely 2 channel?

I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the MBL101, perhaps the "ultimate" omni-directional speaker (I think they have one higher). I admit, when I first started listening to it, I was like OMG, this is amazing. However, the more I listened, the more diverse the music, the more I felt OMG, everything sounds the same. It started to feel like a surround sound mode on a $1,000 AVR that you could not turn off, or perhaps some of those really awful ATMOS remixes that are out there. It started to sound fake.  Yes, real sound sources are often omnidirectional, but we are not listening to sources, we are listening recordings in space, that space not being our listening rooms.

We discussed previously in this thread speakers that have true cardioid patterns using acoustic methods or additional drivers. They can be placed right against a wall. This is not that. This is artificial ambience. That is not a bad thing or a good thing. Sometimes it will be good, sometimes it will be bad. Shame it does not have a remote to turn it off.  I think if this is part of a multichannel setup, and not just stereo, the inability to turn it off may not be good.

@kota1 I think has played a lot with upmixing of stereo to ATMOS?  On your setup @kota1 how flexible is that? I.e. how much control do you have over the ratio of power from the original two mains to the other channels which I assume is a simulated ambience?