Like my Uncle used to tell his brother: "Who died and made you King?"
The meaning here is simple. You shouldn't try to take on a responsibility unless someone wants you to help them. Nobody asked for ASR. A great disservice is being done to manufacturers of audio equipment. The improper reviews and measurements do not correspond to real-world performance. I have nothing against your "master" personally; however the impact he continues to have on this industry is overwhelmingly negative.
It's like if 100 people were to write a bad Google review and 1 star Glassdoor reviews for Madrona digital (Amir's company). 😃
I've gone over some of what I've written to you....perhaps I've been a bit harsh. So sorry about that! Please consider how you are impacting the livelihoods of employees when you negatively review otherwise good audio gear. Poor sales figures = layoffs.