@kota1 Cables, if they are so important leave them out and go with powered speakers. What I don’t understand about cables are 2 things one is digital cables they carry signals that are 1s and 0s the wonderful thing about digital is that it’s very easy to handshake between a 1 or a 0 as opposed to an analog signal which needs to handshake in a completely variable way which is much more difficult. AC cables do not reservoir power and then let it out in a particular way, well capacitors do that not AC cables. How do AC cables help in-between molex and a fuse. This question is a little like if you put a fire hose in-between two garden hoses is it going to achieve a better quality squirt. AC wire in the house is usually Romex then moves to a wall connector then to your $10k AC cable then to the back of your amp then to a skinny fuse then more connectors then to perhaps a trace on a PC board or wires that go to a heavy metal transformer where the AC is changes again. Speakers cables are the same, I’ve never heard how inserting a very short and expensive piece of wire will help the signal when on either side of the wire is of much lower quality, how can inserting a cable change the output on the other end? What I meant when I said I want an amusement park I want my system to be memorable and special experience. Definitely not electronic dance music, I like many different kinds of music but opera and dance music is last no the list for me. Jazz is on top and luckily it maybe the easiest for speakers to play and the most well recorded genera of music.
@thespeakerdude I don’t think I answered you Yes I do want to use the new speakers in the 2 channel and in the home theater system. I sent my BHK preamp back to PS Audio today hope they can get rid of the noise. I hooked up my amps to the Lyngdorf processor and it was simply not as good.
OK with our view of powered speaker having obvious advantages one of which is a more simple signal flow, how can I justify a preamp making a system sound so much better, my BHK preamp (hybrid tube) really makes the output sound like it has a little bit of beautiful reverb on it, it simply sounds more pleasing and beautiful. But the signal path going through a preamp is often unnecessary and adds complexity, how can it make the overall sound better?