@thespeakerdude What do you know about Audio Research equipment? Because powered speakers and even synergistic design philosophies aren't available at a the level I want, seems like Audio Research has a really good reputation.
I honestly think audiophiles don't want to mix and match so much audio equipment if a company came along that made closed systems they could do very well especially at the start, this is why so many have said Steinway systems are the best in the world and they are in the $150k to $550k range not really as much as the best systems. After the first few systems came out the rabbit would be out of the bad and all the research for the manufactures would go out the window. I don't know the answer but I'm being forced to just buy the best I can and hope I don't buy a stinker like the Stella.
One more question for you Speakerdude what do companies do with their research speakers, I'm in love with a new AMG GT that is a prototype by Mercedes it will never be produced, but what about speakers where do they go when the manufactures say well this prototype sounds to good and it's to expensive, and how can I buy them?