Paradisea Dac

Anyone out there who can comment on the usb version . I 'am considering putting a Mac based system together and ran across this Dac in another thread .I would ONLY use the USB input and would like to hear any comments on how this input sounds compared to other USB DACS in the $1500 range. on
On the Paradisea - I agree it is very responsive to tube changes. I like the WE 396 as it rounds out the sound in a nice way. I think I prefer the Bendix tube (can't recall the number) for a bit more resolution and detail though. Thanks for the added input, 4est. Yes, were I able to tame the high end I think I would have liked the Benchmark far more than I did. Glad to hear it can be done - obviously many folks like that DAC including many industry reviewers who are highly respected. So I'm just adding my experience as one more bit of info in your search. If you are a detail freak it may be worth getting the Benchmark and tweaking it to your liking. I think Steve at Empirical is doing mods to that DAC and is a fan of the stock DAC. Different strokes for different folks. I really do like the Paradisea and agree that it is a great bargain. A friend and fellow A'gon member who I respect recently has strongly recommended to me I check out the April Music DAC too. Many good things about the TADAC here as well. Plenty to choose from in that price range.

Consider also the Constantine - the Paradesia with SS output. It is, frankly, hard to beat at almost *any* price. I currently own one and a Wavelength Cosecant - the Cosecant is better, but the MHDT unit is very close and just amazingly good.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but it always amazes me to find people that prefer the Benchmark over any of these NOS DACs - the Benchmark is so thin, analytical, and artificial in comparison. To me.
Thanks for all the responses gives me plenty to think about. As far as the constantine with SS output does it have a USB input? Also I can't find any mention of a warranty at the MHDT web page does it have a warranty at all? Has any one had any problems with any of the MHDT Dacs?
The Constantine+ has USB just like the Paradisea+. This is the model I have.

I bought mine here used and wasn't concerned with any warranty. It would be easy to fix by any local tech if it broke - which would be very unlikely...

If these units just looked a little more professional, man, they would really kick. Then again that would probably raise the price 2x.