Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm

I am trying to do my due diligence about this arm. I am just having a hard time getting my head around this idea of zero overhang and no offset. Does this arm really work the way it is reported to do?


@lewm I am open minded on this subject.

The Thread has been a prompt, and as result, I have the opportunity coming to encounter a version of Underhung Geometry.

I have no intention on commenting on Underhung or 9" vs 12" Wands until the upcoming experiences are complete. As all demonstration will be using the same fundamental Tonearm Design on the same TT, the the same Brand / Model Cart' with almost identical usage hours.

This type of demonstration is not too common and will be the first time I have been able to have a comparison that has set up conditions so closely matched. 


All tube system (SET best) and a Viv tonearm and sound like all the intoxicating distortions that "audiophiles" have adopted over the years will be enhanced to new super pleasing levels.    Not surprising is it?

It’s really impossible to have a calm friendly open minded discussion  of anything remotely controversial on this Forum. Particularly since so few of us have hands on familiarity with the subject device. I vote to quit trying.

Dear @gibsonian : " All tube system (SET best) and a Viv tonearm and sound like all the intoxicating distortions that "audiophiles" have adopted over the years will be enhanced to new super pleasing levels. Not surprising is it? "


No, not surprising because is what they like the more and that is the whole education all of us received by the corrupted AHEE where we all belongs.


Of course several audiophiles were and are excellent " students " even some of them with post-grade AHEE education and some others like me not really good.

I love MUSIC and I learned to respect what that means taking actions against that corrupted education I received by AHEE . Through the time my audio ignorance levels improved thinking that way but " diversity " is part of the human world.


There is rigth now a thread where the OP wants to change its tube phono stage but AHEE post-graded gentlemans insist with that alternative even that he posted 1-2 times that wants to change:


Audiogon Discussion Forum






I do not view this discussion as a debate where there could ever be a true "winner". I champion the idea of an underhung tonearm as a novel idea that deserves some thought and attention.

Those are my thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, there are some users here who very much treat discussions as a battle where the adversary must be annihilated. They make absolute pronouncements, and then attack any person or product that conflicts with their personal gospel. It stifles conversation.

I have heard an RS Labs RS-A1 tonearm, because I own one. The fact that it does so many things directly against convention (besides the fact it’s underhung) and yet still sounds very good first started me thinking whether we should question some of our tonearm gospels. And I am still at that point.

Me too, but I’m a curious guy by nature. Even though I have no plans to change from the SME V arm I’ve enjoyed for decades and have never heard an underhung arm, I’d jump at the chance. It would be interesting to discover if I could hear any correlation between the sound and the unusual geometry.