I sent @amir_asr a message on here. Not sure if he saw it or had time to read it. No response yet.
Part of the message i wrote with the headline "Live and Let Live" - straight from the web: you should tolerate the opinions and behavior of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own. Makes sense, right?
I said to him:
What often gets you trouble on virtually every forum (other than ASR) is you always wanting to be right, telling others they are wrong, or interjecting your beliefs upon others who are not interested. I have learned that "Live and Let Live" is a good way to go about conversing on forums. For example, I recently saw a post about an OP wanting to maybe buy a brand-i-don't-like product. I hate the brand and the low-quality etc. it's a toy to me. Not audio equipment for me. I didn't tell the OP that...because I know that perhaps they will like it. And I'd rather not interfere...
Not my money to spend. If someone else is happy with an audio product, then sure, i'm happy for them. Whatever.