Dave , you have probably heard the buzz about those computer base player that cost an arm and a leg...
If iPod , together with Wadia can accomplish pretty much the same results - why not at least try that.
Since the iPod is basically a transport, the most important aspect of its design must be the truthful reproduction of "data" and minimum interference from anomalies like:
power supply, jitter or poor component quality.
If all of the above can be address and optimized, IMO - iTransporter/iPod will not only be thought of as another digital source but a World Class digital transport, capable of quite high music reproduction.
Some may be disappointed or in doubt about its performance but please keep in mind that it is only as good as you make it to be.....meaning:
To get the most out of this combination one will have to pair it with capable DAC and if possible - find the ways to improve the iTransporter's weak spots and possibly get it "of the grid" (battery powered).
Of coarse , I am only speculating on this matter and only the person who actually tried all of the above can tell if it makes sense or NOT.
IMHO, it is worth a shot.
For about $600 (including iPod and iTransporter) you have a good start in high quality digital reproduction. Add a quality DAC and apply mods that will take this combo to the level on par with the best.
Please do not quote me on this , since best is a very broad statement. What I meant is very capable.