Do I Need a New DAC?

Do I Need a New DAC?

Newbie here to seek advice on a new DAC with a budget of up to $2K

I am thinking about adding a new my DAC so my stereo setup can play a small collection of SACDs using a 4K DVD player.

Here is my current Stereo setup

CD Player: Emotiva ERC-1 (as a transport)

DVD Player: Sony UBP-X800M2

DAC: Monarchy Audio M33 DAC / pre-amp

Pre-amp: Audio Research SP-6E (I think)

Power-amp: Audio Research VT100 MIII

Speakers: KEF104.2 (re-capped; replaced ferrofluid)

Analog: SOTA Nova V, SME3009 III, Audio Technica AT440MLA cartridge

Interconnectors and speaker cables: DIY Gotham cable    

I have a decent collection of CDs (classical, jazz, and pop) that I listen to occasionally; I have no plan to rip and stream them for any time soon.

All the equipment except the DVD player have been with me for a while.  I am thinking about spending some money in the next several years to upgrade the DAC, the CD player, the pre-amp and the speakers in that order. 

The reason to add a new DAC as the Toslink In on the Monarchy M33 is broken and I cannot connect the Sony DVD player to the DAC (the digital In is currently connected with the CD player); also, I would like to get some updated technology on DAC. 

Based on web research, I am thinking about these DACs: Gustard R26, OKto Research, Soekris DAC2541, Schiit Yggdrasil + (a bit over budget), and Hegel HD30 DAC (used).  I have yet to hear the sound of any of these DACs.  I am OK with either new or used and open to other recommendations.

Shall I add a DAC or shall I forget about the SACDs (about 20 CDs); instead, buy a better CD player or save more money to buy a better pre-amp.  Not going to invest in a dedicated SACD player for now though.

Thank you very much for your time; looking forward to reading your comment.


I like the suggestions.  If Yggy is too expensive, I have a friend with the gungir (one down) that he says compares well.   But the Yggy is much more dac.  

Not sure about your strategy for playing the CDs and SACDs.  Make sure you have a good digital out.  You may want to invest in a CD transport.  

I have never had good luck with toslink.  I use USB.  


you cant output sacd digitally from a dvd that is prohibited via sonys copyrighting design


so a dac wont work for sacd


dave and Troy


audio intellect nj

40 year audio veterans

I cannot connect the Sony DVD player to the DAC 

I recently acquired Sony's Signature DAC/headphone amp/preamp the TAZH1ES, it goes fantastic with my Sony UHPH1 universal transport and everything else I connected to it. Highly recommended.

Hi pmm.....thank you very much for your suggestion.  I just had a quick look on the Ayre Codex and Cord Quetest; it seems like the Schiit Yggdrasil + is more appealing to me and I am willing to spend $500 more for it.  Of course, I need to save a bit longer in order to get it; I will also consider used ones.  I will do more research on the Chord and Ayre before making the decision. Benchmark DAC3 a good DAC to consider?  When I search for DACs, I keep seeing DAC3 discussions on different sites. 

Hi Carlsbad...Yes.  I need to get a better CD transport / player for sure.  It is likely a purchase I will plan to make next year.  Again, my budget is limited to about $1-1.5K the most. 

I probably listen to 3 or 4 CDs in a week (mostly on weekends) on a good week.  I actually haven't powered on my system for about 3 weeks now which it why I keep delaying the upgrade plan until now.  I probably will put the SACD listening on hold if the Sony DVD player will not send audio signal to a DAC.