I Am Tired of Bogus Measurements

My expensive shoes have measurements but it doesn’t matter, all I want to know is will they fit. My expensive new suit has measurements but it doesn’t matter, all I want to know is will my expensive new shoes match.

The people being misled by measruements aren’t being led my manufacturers, they are being misled by reviewers. Idiotic rankings of digital gear based on measurements outside the range of human hearing. Cancelling entire brands who put out features customers actually want as they sell to humans, not bats. The worst of these websites will rant about their own superior $$$ equipment but mot even one person will ever use speakers in a klippel matchine, they actually put them in a room! The horror. The cancelling of brands, the talking down to the customers, is bogus.

You need to measure what matters! Are the customers actually happy? Is the warranty honored? Most importantly is their an in home audition period?
I don’t need someone to tell me if I could or should like a product. My room is not a test bench, or a klippel machine. Who cares what the component measures by itself because unless its a clock radio I’ll never use it by itself, I have to interconnect it in a "system" with "high quality" cables, (as in all cables are not the same).

If you want to measure something measure how your personal system of curated components interact with your room. That’s it. The rest of the stuff you could forget because these days if a brand overpromises and under delivers they will be following a formula for losing money, an no company likes that.


For other forum members, my normal service will be resumed once we are finished with kota.


I for one don’t care about your “Service” There are other people who do the job of a forum measurement moron much better than you. Such as Cin Dyment (aka the speaker dude this time around). Mediocre at best. You have to step it up if you want to compete with Cin Dyment and prominent YouTubers like Amir. Get a better Google Machine for starters.


When "clearthinking" fails go back to "bogus" attacks. The absolute BEST you can do is make threats? 

I love sinking lower than you, best not mess with me.

I would classify your statement as "deranged" thinking, its "clear" why you seem threatened by FACTS, deal with it.

It has been demonstrated that frequencies above the human threshold of hearing generate brain activity, so super tweeters with a decent source are indeed relevant.

Why is the phrase snake oil so often used to reject what is not comprehended or understood? It makes the writer appear foolish, so I automatically skip the post as being without merit.

It goes without saying that references to bats get the same treatment, and are bypassed.

Do you think @bigtwin , @yoyoyaya , @clearthinker and @westcoastaudiophileare impressed with you?

@bigtwin : you are summoned. Call to arms. From your buddy. When are you are going to mobilize and answer the Master call? @clearthinker already did. Shame on you it’s taking so long




It has been demonstrated that frequencies above the human threshold of hearing generate brain activity

Link? Sleep generates brain activity too, why is this relevant??